Center for Professional Pathways

Your Success

Founded Here

Washington & 杰斐逊学院以培养学生在医学、法律、技术和艺术等职业中脱颖而出而闻名. det365app称之为职业准备——从你第一次来到校园开始,一直持续到你四年教育的一系列渐进经历的结果

专业路径中心将帮助您辨别自己的兴趣, sharpening your skills, and pursuing your long-term dreams. We see every student as an emerging professional, 能够掌握人际关系和技术能力,以确保事业成功. 个性化的成功之路将为你规划高质量的实习计划, fellowships and merit-based awards, and if appropriate, 申请顶尖的研究生院,准备入学考试. Along the PATH to Success, 由学生成功顾问组成的学生成功网络将提供指导, Faculty Advisors, Career Pathways experts, 课外导师可以包括你的体育教练, Student Life staff, peer leaders, 还有校友,他们将通过实习和其他职业前培训机会来支持你的体验式学习.

In addition, 职业路径中心提供一整套在线服务,其中包括握手, providing online access to full-time, part-time, internship, work-study, and summer job opportunities; Big Interview, a practice and mock-interviewing platform; and Focus2Career, a career exploration platform. 学生们还可以通过大学资助的麦哲伦项目来打造自己的学术经历, 一个为学生提供独特研究方法的项目, internships and more.

Charles West Scholar

Professional Readiness

Founded Here.

Scholarship recipients

Developing Tomorrow's Leaders

At W&J, 专业准备还包括承诺每位毕业生都将被认可为领导潜力,并承诺遵守最高标准的道德规范. 职业道路中心与道德领导中心合作, another distinctive feature of a W&J教育,支持你在专业、品格和信心上的成长. 毫不奇怪,det365app的毕业生经常被选中从事最受欢迎的工作,后来又成为第一批得到提升的人.

Signature Experiences, Superior Career Outcomes

W&J的标志性经验将使您获得与全国大学与雇主协会(NACE)确定的八项职业能力相一致的学习成果。, 一个专注于市场趋势和顶级雇主最看重的特质的专业协会.

1. Career and self-development


2. Equity and inclusion

• Understand the impact of culture, identity, 以及能够在专业环境中应用这些结构的价值

3. Teamwork

• Develop a high level of emotional intelligence

4. Communication

•在简历中有效地表达实用技能和工具, in a portfolio, and during an interview

5. Leadership


6. Technology


7. Critical thinking

• Identify strategic solutions to complex problems

8. Professionalism


Graduate Outcomes

At Center for Professional Pathways, det365app经常听到雇主对det365app才华横溢、准备充分的毕业生的反馈. When you're a graduate of W&学院,你在就业和研究生学习方面都很有竞争力.

88%的学生在W完成实习或其他专业经验&J. After graduation, 97%的学生接受了工作机会或被研究生院录取, with 68% employed and 29% continuing their education.

Graduate Outcomes Report

Download the current report or see our past reports.


Handshake是一个职业管理平台,连接学生和雇主. W&J学院与Handshake合作,让学生可以在300多家公司找到适合自己职业道路的最佳工作和实习机会,000 employers, including all Fortune 500 companies.

For Students

创建一个账户,带头找到很棒的实习和工作, 甚至在校园里就业,当你是一个学生. So you can get right to the good stuff, 您的基本信息已经添加到您的个人资料中. 要开始使用Handshake,您所需要做的就是申请您的帐户.

Recruit W&J Students and Alumni

如果你正在寻找最优秀的新人才和毕业生,他们为你所拥有的机会做好了充分的准备, you'll find the best candidates come from W&J College. 与det365app注册张贴您的全职,兼职,实习,季节性,或自由职业的机会. 一旦你注册了,专业路径中心将审核你的注册. 你被批准后,就可以开始和det365app的学生交流了.

CPP团队还可以为您的招聘流程提供创造性的改进. This includes, but is not limited to: campus branding opportunities, participation in career and internship fairs, 在课堂内外与学生互动. For more information, connect with us via email: We look forward to meeting you!

More Resources

See our MyW&J page for more information, resources, and links.